14. Skimarathon Saalfelden

Date: 05. - 06.02.2022


Name Competition Nation Cat Club Status
CUTKA Elisabeth CUTKA E. 21km Skating AK-I-w
HEIDE Nina HEIDE N. 21km Skating AK-I-w Akaflieg Karlsruhe
ADELMANN Christoph ADELMANN C. 21km Skating AK-I-m
SCHMITZ Christoph SCHMITZ C. 42km Skating AK-III-m
BELCREDI Margherita BELCREDI M. 42km Skating AK-I-w
DE BRABANDER Kristof DE BRABANDER K. 21km Skating AK-I-m
All information on this website is non-binding and you should always apply to the official announcement on the website of the organizer.