14. Int. St. Pöltner Radmarathon

Date: 20.06.2021

Infos about the competition: EXTREM - der Härteste im Osten- 158 km


Team and company ranking: 

The winner is the team with the most starter (the gender and the course is not relevant) - attention: uniform spelling of the team name is necessary! 


Name of the Competition EXTREM - der Härteste im Osten- 158 km
Date 20.06.2021
Starttime 09:00
Sporttype Straßenrad
Competition length 158 km
Metres in height 2239 m

Route of the Competition

Elevation profile

Entry fee

Price in € Classes
from 29.06.2020 till 31.03.2021 65,00 all
from 01.04.2021 till 18.06.2021 70,00 all


Designation Year of birth
AK w 1982 - 2005
AK m 1982 - 2005
w40+ 1972 - 1981
m40+ 1972 - 1981
m50+ 1967 - 1971
w50+ 1962 - 1971
m55+ 1962 - 1966
m60+ 1957 - 1961
m65+ 1952 - 1956
w60+ 1900 - 1961
m70+ 1900 - 1951
All information on this website is non-binding and you should always apply to the official announcement on the website of the organizer.