33. Dolomitenradrundfahrt

Date: 18.07.2021

Attention: New date: July 18, 2021

The Dolomitenradrundfahrt is a perfect race for your body, mind and soul. This classic race with historical roots, offers more than a perfect organisation and a sporting challenge. It is a race through one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the alps and therefore it is an adventure for your senses and soul. Small and romantic villages, the fascinating tops of the Dolomites, the smell of freshly mowed grass and the sounds of the traditional bands, which play along the track in honour of the participants ... There is no other race, that offers you this unique experience.

Notice: all participants need a 3G proof, which is valid until Sunday, 4:30 pm o'clock, because this is the official end of the event.

All information on this website is non-binding and you should always apply to the official announcement on the website of the organizer.