26. Wachau Radmarathon

Date: 13.07.2025

Infos about the competition: Krone Champions Radmarathon 200 km


The Krone Champions Cycling Marathon annually represents the supreme discipline of the Wachau Radmarathon and, in addition to the most beautiful and varied, also leads through the most challenging sections of the Wachau. This year we go via the Seiberer to the Ottenstein reservoirs. Via the Jauerling and the Weitental it then goes over the right bank of the Danube and Maria Langegg back to Mautern, where the 2025 Crown Champion will be crowned after a race distance of over 200 kilometers. 


Name of the Competition Krone Champions Radmarathon 200 km
Date 13.07.2025
Starttime 09:00
Sporttype Straßenrad
Competition length 200 km
Metres in height 3058 m

Route of the Competition

Entry fee

Price in € Classes
from 1 till 400 Registrations 70,00 all
from 401 till 1000 Registrations 80,00 all
from 1001 till 2500 Registrations 90,00 all
from 10.07.2025 till 13.07.2025 100,00 all


Designation Year of birth
AK W 1986 - 2012
AK M 1986 - 2012
W 40+ 1976 - 1985
M 40+ 1976 - 1985
W 50+ 1971 - 1975
M 50+ 1971 - 1975
W 55+ 1966 - 1970
M 55+ 1966 - 1970
W 60+ 1961 - 1965
M 60+ 1961 - 1965
W 65+ 1956 - 1960
M 65+ 1956 - 1960
W 70+ 1905 - 1955
M 70+ 1905 - 1955
All information on this website is non-binding and you should always apply to the official announcement on the website of the organizer.